Friday, June 26, 2009

Could not have said it better

This short blog thing can work for me...Add a link and I am done...I will add some more substance when I get a minute. Many of you know that Ashley and I have decided not to have a television in our house. Why you ask, read why my friend John doesn't, I could not have said it better myself. And this is not a cop out for not giving an answer myself---I have shared with many people our decision and why. Also, I am not saying that everybody has to think the same way, just read the link and be encouraged, irritated, or challenged.

Make your today Christ exalting today!!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

It's been awhile

wow, it has been awhile....God is doing big things in my heart and my mind...."be transformed by the renewing of the mind..." so the blog page is not really big enough to get it out. But here is something that I heard that was challenging