Monday, February 21, 2011

Do Not Revel In Past Sin

"Our sins must be put to death with every circumstance of shame and self-humiliation.

I must confess I am shocked with some people whom I know, who glibly rehearse their past lives up to the time of their supposed conversion, and talk of their sins, which they hope have been forgiven them, with a sort of smack of the lips, as if there was something fine in having been so atrocious an offender. I hate to hear a man speak of his experience in sin as a Greenwich pensioner might talk of Trafalgar and the Nile.

The best thing to do with our past sin, if it be indeed forgiven, is to bury it; yes, and let us bury it as they used to bury suicides. Let us drive a stake through it, in horror and contempt, and never set up a monument to its memory.

If you ever do tell anybody about your youthful wrongdoing, let it be with blushes and tears, with shame and confusion of face; and always speak of it to the honor of the infinite mercy which forgave you. Never let the devil stand behind you and pat you on the back and say, "You did me a good turn in those days."

Oh, it is a shameful thing to have sinned, a degrading thing to have lived in sin, and it is not to be wrapped up into a telling story and told out as an exploit as some do.

"The old man is crucified with him." Who boasts of being related to the crucified felon? If any member of your family had been hanged, you would tremble to hear anyone mention the gallows; you would not run about crying, "Do you know a brother of mine was hanged at Newgate?"

Your old man of sin is hanged; do not talk about him, but thank God it is so; and as he blots out the remembrance of it, do you the same, except so far as it may make you humble and grateful." -- Charles Spurgeon

Lord, thank you for your infinite Grace from which I have but tasted the first drop!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Treasuring Christ

"The debate does not begin at the point of expression but at the point of understanding or worldview. If the worldview is the Holiness & Glory of God than the expression will follow within the bounds of His Holiness & Glory"

Matthew 13:44-46 :

"The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in the field, which a man found and hid again; and from joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field. "Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking fine pearls, and upon finding one pearl of great value, he went and sold all that he had and bought it. "

Do I see & treasure Christ as all Supreme, all glorious and all satisfying? And in so doing, does every step I take & every resource I possess & every desire of my heart directed and governed by a worldview that is shaped and molded by the Holiness and Glory of God?

Am I willing to "Sell" the entirety myself and my will completely to the will of God if but to obtain what Christ has already obtained for me? (Philippians 3:12-16)

When the fire of judgement comes and the "smoke" clears what "treasure" what "pearl" will you be holding?

Monday, February 7, 2011

I Am Not My Own

Charles Spurgeon:

I am asked sometimes to read an heretical book: well, if I believed my reading it would help its refutation, and might be an assistance to others in keeping them out of error, I might do it as a hard matter of duty, but I shall not do it unless I see some good will come from it. I am not going to drag my spirit through a ditch for the sake of having it washed afterwards, for it is not my own (1 Corinthians 6:19-20).

It may be that good medicine would restore me if I poisoned myself with putrid meat, but I am not going to try it: I dare not experiment on a mind which no longer belongs to me.

There is a mother and a child, and the child has a book to play with, and a blacklead pencil. It is making drawings and marks upon the book, and the mother takes no notice. It lays down one book and snatches another from the table, and at once the mother rises from her seat, and hurriedly takes the book away, saying: "No, my dear, you must not mark that, for it is not ours."

So with my mind, intellect, and spirit; if it belonged to me I might or might not play tomfool with it, and go to hear Socinians, Ritualists, Universalists, and such like preach, but as it is not my own, I will preserve it from such fooleries, and the pure word shall not be mingled with the errors of men.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

The "Mark" of Truth

The mark of truth / the mark of a 'true' man or woman is God Exaltation at the expense of self-humiliation.

"I must decrease....He must increase"


Thursday, February 3, 2011

A Brief Thought

"Our Lord never lays down the conditions of discipleship as the conditions of salvation.....We are condemned to salvation through the cross of Jesus Christ. Discipleship has an option with it - "If any man...."

Oswald Chambers

His Grace